30 Things To Do Before I'm 30

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A little different to your typical Bucket List (I'm working on one of those too) - this is a list of all the things I want to achieve before I'm 30 in just over 7 years.

Some are easy, some I've taken steps towards achieving already and others might be a stretch. But this list is a guideline to put me on the right track to getting what I want out of life.

I've actually been sat in a bit of a panicked state all evening fretting about how it's not actually a very long time at all in the grand scheme of things but it'll be alright.

I could actually think of  ten thousand things I want to do, especially when specifics are taken into account i.e. drink vodka in Russia or win money in Vegas. Or even when longer term goals are addressed i.e. tell her I love her everyday, change someones life or inspire others. But they all have their own place on other lists.

30 things to do before I’m 30
1.    Visit every continent (We’ll let you off for Antarctica... Maybe)
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Asia
- Australia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
2.    Visit 25 Countries (9 down - 16 to go)
- UK
- Ireland
- France
- Italy
- Norway
- Tunisia
- Portugal
- Spain
- Belgium
3.    Live alone
4.    Sky dive
5.    Complete sexual bucket list
6.    Plant a tree
7.    Get a tattoo
8.    Climb a mountain
9.    Fire a gun
10.    Fly in a helicopter
11.    Work a job I love
12.    Find a girl and fall in love again
13.    Get engaged (possibly married, definitely engaged)
14.    Run a marathon
15.    Study more martial arts
16.    Learn another / become more fluent in a foreign language
17.    Go to an NBA game, preferably the Hornets but not too fussy
18.    Visit the National Archives at Kew and expand my Family Tree
19.    Go on a driving experience (sports car, rally car, stunt driving, whatever)
20.    Be happy with my body
21.    See Pink Floyd live
22.    Write a book. Correction - finish - a book
23.    Achieve at least a little fame or recognition for something
24.    Own a designer, tailored suit
25.    Do something heroic
26.    Get laser eye surgery
27.    Spend New Years Eve somewhere amazing
28.    Grow a full-on beard
29.    Acquire a taste for coffee & frequent coffee houses.

Strikethrough - Done
Italics - Working on it

As you can see I'm still one short and I'm unconvinced about some of them as pre-30 goals but it's a work in progress.

G x


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