I find myself looking at people and wondering whether they are achieving the things they want to achieve or whether they are even taking steps in the right direction.
In 50 years from now, will I look back on my life knowing that I’ve done what I wanted to do? Or will I get lost working a job I hate, just because I have bills to pay? Is that how a life should be lead? Born to scrape money together to pay bills? No. I don’t want to lose sight of what’s important to me; of the goals I want to accomplish and the dreams I want to realize. I hate the thought of a life spent just ‘getting by’ and just ‘making do’ with what I have.
I wonder how many people never even try to achieve their dreams as they don’t think it possible. I wonder about the people who fantasised about becoming an astronaut or adventurer; a doctor or a vet; a fireman or a lawyer, but never even tried as they were told it was a pipe dream or a fantasy. Who are these people to stand in our way? To tell us that we’re no good? To put us down when they have no idea what we’re made of or what’s inside us – and that’s the stuff that matters; our passion, our drive, our commitment, our ambition.
Our lives should be spent constantly learning and striving to better ourselves and the world around us. Our lives should be spent doing what we love.
I know money is an issue. I know work is an issue. I know it’s more than easy to get ensnared in a dead-end job because it pays the rent or buys you the occasional luxury. But don’t lose sight of the things you held dear. It might take longer to achieve than you had wanted but don’t give up on it. You want to climb Mount Everest? Do it! Put a bit of money away a little at time. Take a climbing or survival class here or there. It might take years to come to fruition but none of that will matter once you’re stood on the summit at the very top of the world knowing you’ve achieved your dream.
Take your aspirations and form them into obsessions and don’t let them slip away. Come back to them from time to time and assess whether you’re closer to achieving them than you were the last time you checked. And little by little you will start to get the things out of your life that you had always wanted.
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I love this entry!!! xx
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