Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 is the Holy Grail of strength workouts. It's simple yet effective nature has been a drawing point for bodybuilders, powerlifters and muscle enthusiasts since it's creation. It's based around the four main lifts - Bench, Deadlift, Squat & Overhead Press - big compound moves working everything you need them to work. Due to it's simple nature it is hugely flexible, allowing you to tailor the 'assistance' (extra exercises) to suit your particular needs and goals. I chose to go with the 'Boring But Big' assistance which is performing the same lift again with a lighter weight for more reps and just one other exercise. I'll run this for a cycle (4 weeks) and then add in more/isolations if I feel I need too.
The program encourages you to start light. There is far too much ego involved in Weight Training; with people coming in and picking up the heaviest weight they can manage thinking it will get them where they want to be faster. But that is not the case - too much too soon and your body will stall. This program is devised in such a way that you will never stall; you might progress slightly slower than other routines but you will continuously, always progress where other programs will eventually run you into a plateau. Ultimately, you can run with the 5/3/1 indefinitely.
But don't just take my word for it - here's a link to the 97 page manual with everything you need to know.
The routine is run in cycles where one cycle is 4 weeks. The first week is 3 sets of 5 (555), the second week is 3 sets of 3 (333), the third week uses decreasing sets (531 - the namesake) and the final week is a deload week where you lighten up the weights and rest the body a bit. The weight increases every session and is calculated by your one rep max - the most you can lift at any time for a single rep. For example week 1 is 75%, 80% and 85% of your max, week 2 is 80%, 85% and 90% and so forth. The final set of each exercise is known as the 'money set' and on this set you go all out and try to beat that sessions target reps (5, 3 or 1).
On the 18th & 19th of January I went in the gym to find out my one rep max's. They were as follows:
18th & 19th January 2011: One Rep Max (1RM)
Squat: 125kg/275lbs
Squat: 125kg/275lbs
Bench: 75kg/165lbs
Deadlift: 130kg/286lbs
Deadlift: 130kg/286lbs
Overhead Press: 55kg/121lbs
I definitely think I might have had more in me, but that's how it fell on the day. The routine encourages you to use 90% of them 1RM's to calculate your routine. I.e. my Squat cycle is calculated using 112.5kg/248lbs (90% of 125kg) and from that I then work out 70%, 80% etc to give me my working sets.
So here we go.
Weight: Sets x Reps
Money Set:
(Goal Reps) Actual
Week 1
Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 1: Squats (21st Jan 2011)
75% | 85kg/187lbs: 1 x 5
80% | 90kg/198lbs 1 x 5
85% | 97.5kg/215lbs: 1 x (5) 12
Squat: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 60kg/132lbs
Leg Curl: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 70lbs/31.7kg
Workout Notes: 73 squats overall - brutal. Completely underestimated the lack of other exercises! Legs all but gave out on the stairs leaving the gym ha. Looking forward to seeing where this routine can go! Will be odd not breaking Personal Best's every week and seeing my progression like on the PMB but got to look at the bigger picture!
Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 2: Bench (23rd Jan 2011)
75% | 52.5kg/116lbs: 1 x 5
80% | 55kg/121lbs: 1 x 5
85% | 57.5kg/126lbs: 1 x (5) 8
Bench: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 35kg/77lbs
Dumbbell Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 15kg/33lbs
Workout Notes: Short but sweet. Tried to hit that mind-matter connection and really hit the chest after the stagnation on the PMB workout. The 50 reps felt really good. Could've hit more on the money set but without a spotter I kept it pretty conservative. Dumbbell rows too light, will up by a few kg's next week.
Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 3: Deadlift (25th Jan 2011)
75% | 90kg/198lbs 1 x 5
80% | 95kg/209lbs 1 x 5
85% | 100kg/220lbs 1 x (5) 10
Deadlift: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 60kg/132lbs
Hanging Leg Raises: 5 sets of 10 reps @ Bodyweight
DB Shrugs: 3 sets of 8 @ 32.5kg/71lbs
Workout Notes: Love Deadlifts, love Deadlift day and this was no exception. A bit lighter than I've been used to hitting recently but felt good. The 5 sets of 10 at a lighter weight really felt good for my form. Performed with controlled speed - got a great back pump and all muscles felt engaged. Hanging leg raises were brutal on the grip but all good. Added Shrugs for shits and giggles!
Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 4: Overhead Press (27th Jan 2011)
75% | 42.5kg/93lbs 1 x 5
80% | 45kg/99lbs 1 x 5
85% | 47.5kg/104lbs 1 x (5) 7
Overhead Press: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 27.5kg/60lbs
Chin Ups: 5 sets of 10 reps @ Bodyweight
Workout Notes: Hard work! I got in there, warmed up with the bar & some biscuits (1.25kg plates) but as soon as I put up that 42.5kg I was like... fuck, this ain't gonna be easy. And boy was I right - the money set was painful. I hit the goal 5 alright, paused for a bit and then put up two more but was a huge effort. Even heavier next week! The chin's were great - never knew I had 50 chin ups in me. First 20-30 nice and fast and explosive. Last 10 performed as singles/doubles but didn't want to quit. Whole workout took barely 45minutes. Also broke the 4000 calorie mark today so super pleased with how the nutrition is going too. I'm going to smash this weight plateau very soon!
Week 2
Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 1: Squats (29th Jan 2011)
80% | 90kg/198lbs: 1 x 3
85% | 97.5kg/215lbs 1 x 3
90% | 102.5kg/226lbs: 1 x (3) 7
Squat: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 62.5kg/138lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Leg Curl: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 80lbs/36.2kg +10lbs/4.5kg
Workout Notes: Yep, a good Saturday morning session. Focused a lot on getting squat form right - sitting back into it and getting the hip drive. Tried for video again but no where to set up - I need one of them gorilla-pod tripod thingys. Could've hit a couple more on the money set I think but kept a couple in the tank as to not train to failure. The 50 squats at a lighter weight, again, are more brutal than the heavier ones. All in all, happy chap. Still think it's odd I have more energy in the AM with just breakfast inside me.
Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 2: Bench (30th Jan 2011)
80% | 55kg/121lbs: 1 x 3
85% | 57.5kg/126lbs: 1 x 3
90% | 62.5kg/137lbs: 1 x (3) 6
Bench: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 40kg/88lbs +5kg/11lbs
Dumbbell Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 20kg/44lbs +5kg/11lbs
French Press: 3 sets of 6 reps @ 20kg/22lbs
Workout Notes: All good - feeling stronger. Not sure I could've repped 62.5kg for 6 reps a couple of weeks back and that was without a spotter, could've hit 2-3 more with the mental assurance that I wouldn't drop the weight on myself. I recently discovered a tip regarding body position - gripping the bench between my thighs - and it's really helping me find that full body engagement. Was still feeling pretty alive after I finished up the workout so decided to hit the triceps with a French Press for fun.
Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 3: Deadlift (1st Feb 2011)
80% | 95kg/209lbs 1 x 3
85% | 100kg/220lbs 1 x 3
90% | 107.5kg/237lbs 1 x (3) 8
Deadlift: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 62.5kg/137lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Hanging Leg Raises: 5 sets of 10 reps @ Bodyweight
DB Shrugs: 3 sets of 8 @ 35kg/77lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Workout Notes: Went in there with the fury of the gods and smashed the hell out of this workout. I was so in the zone that I started loading up more weight after the money set before realising I'd finished! Still pumped, sad it's over!
Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 4: Overhead Press (3rd Feb 2011)
80% | 45kg/99lbs 1 x 3
85% | 47.5kg/104lbs 1 x 3
90% | 50kg/110lbs 1 x (3) 4+2PP*
Overhead Press: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 30kg/66lbs +5kg/11lbs
Chin Ups: 5 sets of 10 reps @ Bodyweight
Workout Notes: Average! Only managed 4 solid reps on the money set, but banged out a couple of push-presses (using your knees for momentum) for a little something extra. Chins felt a lot harder this week than last - just an off day. Still, in the green and got all the lifts up so all good.
Week 3
Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 1: Squats (4th Feb 2011)
75% | 85kg/187lbs: 1 x 5
85% | 97.5kg/215lbs 1 x 3
95% | 107.5kg/237lbs: 1 x (1) 6
Squat: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 65kg/143lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Leg Curl: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 85lbs/38.5kg +5lbs/2.2kg
Workout Notes: Good workout overall. Took a while to loosen up and even then my squats still felt a bit odd. Couldn't settle on a good foot position due to a bit of an ache in my plantar fascia (possible old case of plantar fasciitis flaring up again). But the weight and numbers are there with a solid money set so smiles all round. 50 reps were pretty brutal and have a major case of the jelly legs right now!
Got my weigh in tomorrow morning. A week or so of big eating (4000cals and up per day) so I'm hoping to weight in at least a couple of pounds heavier. We'll soon see!
Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 2: Bench (6th Feb 2011)
75% | 52.5kg/115lbs: 1 x 5
85% | 57.5kg/126lbs: 1 x 3
95% | 65kg/143lbs: 1 x (1) 4
Bench: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 42.5kg/93lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Dumbbell Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 22.5kg/49lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Underhand Bar Pulldown: 3 sets of 8 reps @ Increment 8
Workout Notes: Went in pretty hungover not expecting great things but am pleased with how this turned out. It also sorted the hangover right out and feeling peachy now! I added in some underhand pulldowns to isolate the triceps - figured I'd switch it up after last weeks French Press. The reason I do it underhand as, when fatigued, it's a lot harder to 'lean' into it and move the weight with momentum or your weight thus isolating the triceps better for longer. Overall, good. Can't wait for 95% Dead's on Tuesday.
Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 3: Deadlift (8th Feb 2011)
75% | 90kg/198lbs 1 x 5
85% | 100kg/220lbs 1 x 3
95% | 112.5kg/248lbs 1 x (1) 9!!
Deadlift: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 65kg/143lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Hanging Leg Raises: See Notes
DB Shrugs: 3 sets of 8 @ 37.5kg/82lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Workout Notes: I set myself the task of hitting 5 on the money set. Jim insisted on 6. Doug called for 7 or I'd lose my lad status. Jim swooped back in with a low blow and revoked my man card, claiming I could only have it back if I hit 8 reps. I didn't think I'd be able to live up to it but I only went and smashed it - with a couple left in the tank too. 9 reps at 248lbs is some serious shifting for me. Am dead chuffed! However, workout was a bit soured with the hanging leg raises. There I was, hanging from the bar ready to start - legs came up and - twinge - searing pain between my lower abs and inguinal ligament. Tried a couple more reps but no. Will rest up and try and get them in on Thursday on Overhead Press day! Shrugs up hugely in strength. Was thinking today about when I was shrugging 15kg/33lbs not too long ago! All in all, pleased. Fueling up with egg & bacon pie, mash & loads of green veg now.
Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 4: Overhead Press (10th Feb 2011)
75% | 42.5kg/93lbs 1 x 5
85% | 47.5kg/104lbs 1 x 3
95% | 52.5kg/115lbs 1 x (1) 1+2PP*
Overhead Press: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 32.5kg/71lbs +2.5kg/5.5lbs
Chin Ups: 5 sets of 10 reps @ Bodyweight
Workout Notes: As expected, not brilliant. It's time for a deload week now, and for cycle 2 you're meant to add 5lbs to the max lift but I think I might keep OHP as it is til I'm throwing the weight around a bit easier. I think I may have miscalculated my 1 rep max - perhaps not using strict form or using momentum or something, cos this felt heavy. Then again, I did make the goal reps... plus a couple of Push Press... I'll think about it. Intended to get the hanging leg raises in that I couldn't do on Tuesday due to muscle pain in lower abs but pain was still there tonight and grip strength was fried with the 50 chins. Will be interesting to see how I fair with this upcoming deload week with light weights and minimal exercises, but hopefully I'll grow some!
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