Muscle & Strength - The website I've got all my workouts from, my nutritional advice, calculated my BMR's, read articles, researched supplements and more. The forum is filled with great guys and girls all very knowledgeable about all things fitness and they're more than happy to help with anything they can.
Twitter - Fell in love with Twitter this year! Facebook has certainly taken a back-seat with regard to my updates. Got talking to some lovely people and am provided with information tailored for me depending on who I choose to follow.
LolSnaps - Thousands of funny pictures, gifs and videos. Endless hours of entertainment. Open it up. I could click 'next' all day long, baby, all day long!
UKFDubstep - YouTube Channel for UKFDubstep. The best source for all the latest and greatest dub tunes.
Amusing Euphemism Generator - Exactly what it says on the tin. Excellent fun.
StumbleUpon - Can't even begin to think how many hours of my life I've whiled away on this site. In a nutshell, people find a cool site and register it with StumbleUpon. When you click 'stumble' in the top left you're taken randomly from site to site - normally finding something funny, interesting or plain awesome on each page. You can also sign up, list your interests and tailor the results you get, save your favourites, share them and so on. If you like it, install the toolbar, you won't regret it!
TweetDeck - Excellent program I use for my Twitter updates. Various columns arranged efficiently next to each other for tweets, mentions, direct messages, trends and more. Can drag & drop files and photos & it will auto shortners URLs for you. You can customize it all and add extra columns if you see fit. It can also be synched with various accounts to post from multiple places including Facebook, LinkedIn and other social network sites. Plus much more. Essential software for any Tweeter!
Spotify - Can't go long without my music fix and I use Spotify every day. If you don't want to pay for Premium, get Spotify Open for 20 hours of music a month for free.
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